Unravelling the mysteries of hypnosis: my story

About meAbout me and my journey to hypnosis.

Hello, my name is Victoria Visser

My journey into hypnotherapy began as a child when I found myself, at the grown-up age of nine, discovering a book on hypnosis in my parent’s study.

I proudly announced to my mother, that I would become a hypnotist and would be able to hypnotise everyone with my magic pocket watch!

I never really thought about hypnosis again for many years, as life happened, and I forgot the goals I’d set as a youngster.

As I went through various career choices I came across hypnosis several times – but I didn’t take action. However, the seed had been sown ,  my beloved subconscious mind got to work in the background.

One night I found myself staring blankly at the ceiling at 3 am going over and over in my head how unfilled I felt in my career.

I knew something had to change – and shortly afterwards I came across an advert for hypnotherapy training.

The course was backed by neuroscience explaining how our brains work and how we all have a huge resource of creativity available to us.

It talked about how we can get stuck in negative cycles, and how changing our response to our circumstances changes  how we interpret them, which in turn leads to more positivity in our everyday lives.

I signed up straight away!

I can proudly say that I studied through Clifton Practice Hypnotherapy School, which is considered the gold standard in hypnotherapy. It is recognized as the centre of excellence for hypnotherapy/psychotherapy training.

The training comprised over 450 hours, and was very practical from the on set, which gave me experience as I trained.

I love the positive results experienced through hypnotherapy for  myself and my clients – seeing those positive changes is priceless!

Now I am a fully qualified Solution Focused Hypnotherapist and psychotherapist, and a member of the Association for Solution Focused Hypnotherapy (AfSFH) with over five years experience.

I look forward to meeting you, and helping you make positive changes to your life.

I’ll end with a favourite quote by Albert Einstein:

“You can never solve a problem on the level on which it was created”